looking back over last month's photographs seeking a photo-heart connection
it's hard to select just one i love
the delicate curves of tree branches
trees, silhouetted against the late afternoon sky
tiny young trees surrounded by sturdy big trees that have learned to survive the harsh winters
big skies and wide open spaces
and winter's late afternoon light
but finally, I choose this one
a photograph taken at my favourite late afternoon time, in one of my favourite places in this city that I love
the strong dark branches of the trees contrasting with the pure white snow silhouetted against the milky blue sky and the weak light of the late afternoon sun
it's a quiet time wide open space no others around
i can be alone as i explore and breathe in the beauty of this place
late last night walking to my bedroom ready to sleep all of a sudden, i felt an urge a need to create to take out my paints and splash them around wildly with abandon and so, instead of ignoring the urge, instead of postponing with excuses and tomorrows and indecision, i did it i took out my paints chose colours spontaneously the ones that called to me wanting to be used i chose my subject it came to me at once spontaneously the bird in the park who sat on my hand to eat bread crumbs and so i began loosely, wildly, randomly, freely, spontaneously, confidently sketching, scribbling, scraping, splattering, swirling
and when I finished, i began another a wintry landscape painted from the heart
and then another and more until finally, joyfully, the muse was satisfied and so was i and i was free to go to bed