in this moment, i am walking in the park, in the bitter cold of the prairie winter swaddled in scarves and hat and gloves and layers of sweaters and jeans shivering shoulders hunched against the wind and blowing snow beneath my boots snow is squeaking, creaking above my head bare branches birds squirrels in this moment breathing in the beauty around me i am warm
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
late last night the quiet veil of night was torn away
by the howling wind
scattering the falling snow
two people ventured out into the frigid, snowy night leaning into the force of the wind
and i watched
as the wind
created drifts
and dunes of snow
and the blizzard made its mark on the wintry night
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
coming inside from the cold the lens of the camera quickly fogs
softening the view leaving only impressions of ceilings and corridors and eerie lights
back outside, the fog persists, creating impressions hints of trees and shadows blending into the mist
abstraction blending together the essence of trees of city nights of picnic tables of strings of lights of people of places of love of loss of hopes of dreams memories